Malachia - WWMCat - Dedicato agli amanti della Natura - Tudor Pelagos FXD M25707B/24-0001
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 Tudor Pelagos FXD M25707B/24-0001
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Inserito il - 08/01/2024 : 06:57:39  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di enyar  Modifica Messaggio Invia a enyar un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando  Visualizza l'indirizzo IP dell'Utente  Elimina Messaggio
Years of SCUBA diving with mechanical watches on my arm have revealed certain advantages and disadvantages in functional design that would otherwise remain hidden on terra firma. I’ve also learned that my aesthetic assessment of a dive watch often changes once I’ve had the chance to jump with it. The significance - and, in turn, the satisfaction - of specific design details can shift considerably at depth. After spending a few weeks with the Tudor Pelagos FXD, including a week SCUBA diving with it off the antique Dutch island of Bonaire in the West Caribbean, my attitude shifted from a watch nerd’s middling curiosity to a diver’s full-blown fandom. My perspective transitioned in stages as I came to better appreciate the FXD’s aesthetic, experience its practical design, as well as, finally, maximize its unique capabilities as an upside down navigational tool.
Jack Forster summed up my initial reaction to the actual Tudor Pelagos FXD within the Second Look. Like Aiguille, I found the very idea of the watch vaguely interesting until I strapped it on and found myself entirely enthralled. This was long before I got anywhere near water with it.

The things i didn’t know about the FXD prior to handling it was how different it actually was from other dance watches, including the standard Pelagos. I didn’t expect the various design tweaks of the FXD to form such a novel and also cohesive aesthetic.
At 330 comments along with counting on James’ Hands-On from last Nov, plus its own episode of HODINKEE Radio a week later, you would think that there would not be much left to add to the conversation about the Tudor Pelagos FXD. When I first read James’ coverage, I thought to myself that the idea seemed interesting but I did not have all that much interest in actually seeing the watch, much less taking it for a test drive. It made the same first impression upon me that this 2019 Tudor Black Gulf P01 did - interesting in the abstract and with a certain quirky appeal, but perhaps a little too high-concept, too granular in its design details, for its own good, at least for any wider audience.

A watch along with not just fixed strap bars (the “FXD” means “fixed”) but actual strap slots cut into the case appeared a strange way to go, and then of course , there’s the addition of a bidirectional countdown bezel on the thing that is nominally a dive watch. The watch, I read, had been designed in cooperation with the elite French combat diver’s team, Commando Hubert (the unit is named after Lieutenant Augustin Hubert, who has been killed in action on D-Day off Sword Beach) in addition to presumably those folks know their business, but the accumulation of somewhat outré information seemed a little deliberately willful. This is the Tudor Pelagos FXD, take it or leave it, was the vibe I got. Where, We wondered, is the simple and easy next take on the particular Pelagos, which would have been -- well, the thinner, possibly smaller height Pelagos however METAS certification?
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