Malachia - WWMCat - Dedicato agli amanti della Natura - Plasma Cutting Machine for sale
Malachia - WWMCat - Dedicato agli amanti della Natura

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1. Movable gantry structure and dust proof design for three axis, Y axis adopts double motor and double drivers, X,Y,Z axis all use double guide rails that make the machine move smoothly with high precision.
2. Plasma power source: Chinese Huayuan brand with 63A/100A/120A/160A/200A. Or USA imported Hypertherm brand with 45A/65A/85A/105A/125A/200A
3. Rail and slider, standard configuration is round rail and sliding block, Taiwan Hiwin rail and slider is optional
4. High cutting speed, high accuracy and low cost.
5. Blade and saw working table for choose, support heavy metal with high stability.
6. The current of power supply is adjustable. Different current we can adjust according to different thickness to make sure there is no burr;
7. Cutting head with cooling system can quickly cool surface of material to avoid burr and residue.
8. Plasma metal cutting machine is especially suitable for making HVAC duct, with duct software Lantek including more than 1000 duct shape options. Choose the desired shapes and set parameter, and then the software will automatically draw the shape, giving the material weight and cost.
Technical parameters:
Product modelST-P1325ST-P1530
Working area (X,Y)1300#33075;2500mm1500#33075;3000mm
Torch lifting distance200mm
Plasma power source120A LGK (optional 60A, 100A, 160A, 200A)
Cutting speed0-10m/min
Moving speed0-50m/min
Frame structureSeamless welding lathe bed
X,Y guide railHigh precision linear guide rail
X,Y transmissionImported rack gears
X,Y,Z axis driverStepper motor, Leadshine driver
Control systemEnglish Starfire 2100c Control System
Compatible softwareType3/Artcam/UcancamV9/Castmate/corelerow/Autocad
Command codeG Code (*.nc, *.mmg, *.u00, etc.), *.eng
Max. cutting thickness(60A)0-8mm (120A)0-16mm (200A)0-25mm
Applicable materialsCarbon steel, Stainless steel, iron, copper, aluminum, galvanized sheets, titanium plates and other non-ferrous metal, etc
Positioning accuracy (mm)#21348;0.2 mm/10m
Repeatability accuracy (mm)#21348;0.2 mm/10m
Gross power8-10KW
Document transmission formUSB Interface
Working voltage3 Phase, 380V, 50hz
Gross weight1150KGS1350KGS
Packing size354x215x150cm378x228x149cm
Optional partsAmerican Hypertherm power supply
Servo motor
Applicable Industries:
Processing shells of machinery and electronic products, advertising signs, crafts, iron garden, car manufacture, boat building, electrical accessories, board cutting etc.
Applicable Materials:
Carbon steel, stainless steel, iron, aluminum, galvanized sheet, white sheet, titanium plate and other metal plates.Plasma Cutting Machine for sale
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